Office of Student Transportation
School Bus Safety
Please review the following information with your child prior to the start of school. Our goal is to work together to ensure a safe ride to and from school.
- Walk to the bus stop, do not run.
- Be at the bus stop five to ten minutes before the bus is scheduled to arrive.
- Wait in a safe place and never engage in horseplay at the bus stop.
- Wait for the bus to come to a complete stop, activate red flashing lights and stop sign to be extended before approaching the bus.
- Never speak to strangers at the bus stop and never get into a car with a stranger. Notify your parents, bus driver and or teacher immediately if a stranger tries to talk to you or pick you up.
- Go directly to a seat. Remain seated and facing forward for the entire ride.
- Talk quietly (so the driver will not be distracted).
- Always be courteous and respectful of others.
- If you need to talk to the bus driver, wait for the bus to stop, raise your hand and call the driver's name.
- Keep the aisles clear at all times.
- Never throw anything on the bus or out the windows.
- Wait until the bus comes to a complete stop before getting out of your seat.
- When getting off the bus, step five or more steps away from the door. Stay away from the bus wheels and watch out for moving cars.
- Once you get off the bus, go straight home so an adult will know where you are.
- Only get on and off the bus at your designated stop.
- If you leave something on the bus, NEVER go back to get it. The driver may not see you come back and may begin to move the bus.
- If you drop something near the bus, tell the driver. NEVER attempt to pick it up without talking to the driver.
- Walk in front of the bus, NEVER behind the bus.
- Walk at least 10 steps ahead of the bus.
- Be sure the bus driver can see you and you can see the bus driver.
- Wait for the driver's signal to cross.
Sue Downing
Director of Transportation
(508)759-0670 ext. 6258