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District Forms for Public Use


  • Bourne participates in the Massachusetts School Choice program whereas families of non- Bourne Residents who are interested in enrolling students in Bourne Public Schools may do so K-12 based on availability. If students are accepted into the School Choice program they are considered a Bourne Public School student until graduation.
  • There is no tuition cost for a family to make this choice. If there is availability at a grade level students can be accepted on a rolling basis throughout the school year. If the number of spots are limited due to enrollment, BPS will do a lottery twice per year. Typically the first lottery for fall enrollment in the next school year is done in early April and then again in late August. Families will be notified of their status after each lottery.
  • If you are interested in School Choice please complete and print the application below. If there are multiple children in your family who you want to enroll in Bourne Public Schools, please complete an application for each.
  • Mail or drop off  a hard copy of the application and supporting documents to: Bourne Public Schools Administration Office, 36 Sandwich Road, Bourne, MA 02532

Application for School Choice

Other Forms for Public Use

Criminal Offender Record Information (CORI/SORI) Form

Free & Reduced Lunch Application 2023-2024 - Bourne Public Schools will be participating in the National School Lunch Program and the School Breakfast Program. The Massachusetts legislature has provided funding to make meals available at no cost to all students during the school year 2023-2024, regardless of household income. However, families should still complete a Meal Benefit Application as this provides data for key funding for academic resources and may also connect families to additional benefits. This data will also support the additional funds provided by the Commonwealth for this pilot. 

Notice of Intent to Pursue a Program of Home Education

Caregiver Authorization Affidavit

Confidentiality Agreement for Observations