Series J - Students | |
Equal Educational Opportunities | JB |
Attendance Areas | JC |
Assignment of Students to Schools | JCA |
Entrance Age/School Admissions | JEB |
Admission of Exchange Students | JFABB |
Homeless Students: Enrollment Rights and Services | JFABD |
School Choice | JFBB |
Student Absences and Excuses | JH |
Exclusions and Exemptions From School Attendance | JHD |
Students Rights and Responsibilities | JI |
Student Involvement In Decision-Making | JIB |
Student Discipline | JIC |
Student Dress Code | JICA |
Student Conduct on School Buses | JICC (EEAEC) |
Medication Administration According To Protocols Written By School Physician | JICD-R |
Student Publications | JICE |
Gang Activity/Secret Societies | JICF |
Hazing | JICFA-E |
Alcohol, Tobacco and Drug Use By Students Prohibited | JICH |
Student Use of Technology in Schools | JICJ |
Interrogations and Searches | JIH |
Student Complaints and Grievances | JII |
Student Anti-Harassment Policy and Grievance Procedure | JIIA |
Head Injuries and Concussion Policy | JIJ |
Co-Curricular and Extracurricular Activities | JJ |
Student Travel | JJA |
Student Fund Raising Activities | JJE |
Student Discipline | JK |
Student Discipline and Conduct Regulations | JK-R |
Physical Restraint of Students | JKAA |
Student Welfare | JL |
Student Insurance Program | JLA |
Student Health Services and Requirements | JLC |
Physical Examinations of Students | JLCA |
Inoculations of Students | JLCB |
Communicable Diseases | JLCC |
Administering Medicines to Students | JLCD |
Medication Administration According to Protocols Written By School Physician | JLCD-R |
Student Gifts and Solicitations | JP |
Student Fees, Fines, and Charges | JQ |
Student Records | JRA |
Student Records | JRA-R |
Student Photographs | JRD |